Virtual Home Finding Services
We now offer virtual rental homefinding and relocation services to help you find a great place to live safely, keeping social distancing requirements in mind. Tour neighborhoods and find your next home in the San Francisco Bay Area remotely.
How it works
If you're looking for a rental in the San Francisco Bay Area virtually, Move Bay Area can help:
Choose safe neighborhoods through video tours and live video
Avoid pitfalls and scams that come with online listings
Search the market for the best apartments
Virtually tour each property through pre-recorded or live video tours
Vet property owners, landlords, and agents
Review your lease
Contact us for a free consultation to discuss how we can support your relocation virtually.
Virtual Neighborhood Tours
We'll show you neighborhoods through our library of video tours, custom-made GoPro tours, or live video chat tours.
Don't know where to start? Start with our neighborhood guide and ask us your questions in a free consultation.
Virtual Rental Tours
We already do much of our work behind the scenes in our personalized rental home finding process and we use today's tools to provide attentive home finding services.
No matter what app you use, our experienced agents will provide live real estate consultation through virtual apartment tours, recorded videos, and video chat.